We Sweat the Small Stuff
Small Talks: The Diversion Series
The impact of clinical drug diversion is undeniable — putting your organization’s reputation, its workforce, and its patients at risk.
The Small Talks: The Diversion Series is here to help ensure you have access to the most contemporary perspectives on combatting drug diversion.
Each of the five episodes of the series features expert-led conversations, each 15 minutes or less, tackling an everyday problem that we’re all facing. From understanding how AI is being used to detect suspicious behavior to the must-have ROI your C-Suite is expecting, Small Talks succinctly package what you need to know without taking a chunk out of your day.
- Small Talk Episode #1: Best Practices are Foundational to Change Management
- Small Talk Episode #2: Cultivating a Community of Peers
- Small Talk Episode #3: What Does Success Look Like?
- Small Talk Episode #4: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
- Small Talk Episode #5: Standardize Approach to Develop Successful Drug Diversion Program
Simply, we sweat the small stuff so that you don’t have to.
Register now to watch the entire series!
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Why Protenus?
Empowering Healthcare to Eliminate Risk
Protenus Drug Diversion Monitoring helps protect your organization, workforce, and patients with risk-reduction technology that mitigates safety hazards and helps prevent the number of incidents at your organization over time.
By auditing up to 100% of medication use transactions, you’re not only able to surface inappropriate behavior that may otherwise go unnoticed, but also identify the early warning signs of an incident, strengthening your policy adherence strategy.
This means our diversion customers focus on what matters most by leveraging risk-reduction technology that mitigates safety hazards to reduce detection time by 80%+ and detect drug diversion within 50 days, on average.
Lean On The Experts
Ready to learn more about how Protenus is partnering with diversion leaders in healthcare?
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